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27 Ways to de-stress right now!

"Just RELAX," Easier said than done, right?

Some facts are inarguably universal in the world. One of those facts is that LIFE IS HECTIC. Living in an urban society, working, raising a family and spending time with our friends and relatives can get crazy. Balancing life is a skill that many of us struggle with, and we often find ourselves under stress.

We all know what stress is, but many of us aren’t necessarily good at coping with it. This being said, stress is not always a bad thing. Sometimes we need it; it’s essential to being productive and living in general. But what can we do when stress is getting the best of us.

Here are 27 things you can do to help yourself de-stress.

1- Get physical! Exercise, especially walking (preferably in an outdoor setting) can help release endorphins, which reduces stress and helps you clear your head. Just 10 minutes can do the trick!

2- Take a breath. A few deep breaths can help you relax. Sitting for a few seconds, inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly can help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. The activation of this system puts your body in a state of ease and helps you feel relaxed.

3 - YOGA. Yogis will tell you that the practice of yoga is incredibly helpful in relaxation. The movements release endorphins and the meditation does wonders to help clear your mind.

4 - Eat something healthy. Stress eating and excessive snacking aren’t healthy, and your body needs proper nourishment. Make sure you’re taking the time to feed your body with healthy foods including fruits and vegetables.

5 - Reduce your alcohol intake. While alcoholic beverages are often a crutch when you are stressed out, drinking too many alcoholic drinks puts stress on your organs including the liver, which in turn can make you feel generally unwell. Instead, try limiting your drinking to social settings or weekends and find an activity to do instead when you feel like having a drink.

6 - Put the phone down! Being too connected can be stressful and seeing what everyone else is doing can be daunting. Try to make an effort to put your phone away and socialize with the people around you. Having strong personal relationships with people who you trust can help to decrease your stress and make you feel less alone.

7 - Put on some music! Blasting music can help override some of your mental chatter and help you relax! And you don’t just have to listen; dancing will also help you blow off some steam!

8 - Chew some gum. An Australian study from 2008 showed that chewing gum can help relieve anxiety, help in alertness and focusing during episodes of multitasking.

9 - Laugh at something (or someone). Laughter is an excellent endorphin booster and helps deactivate your response to stress.

10 - Conscious progressive muscle relaxation. Try lying on your back in a quiet space and consciously make an effort to relax your body. Start from your toes and work your way up. Tighten each muscle, then relax them as much as you can.  This process can help relax your body and also help you sleep more easily. Don’t forget your face, your jaw muscles are often quite tight and clenched without you even realizing.

11 - Hang out with people you love. Spending time with friends and family that you have a close relationship with can actually help reduce cortisol (which is increased when you’re experiencing stress)

12 - Cut out toxicity. Relationships with people who are negative can take a toll on your mental health. Cut out people who make you feel bad and if you can’t do that, limit your interactions with them and save yourself from some extra stress. If you hang out with 9 stressful people, you will be the 10th.

13 - Try your hand at crafting. Activities like scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting and drawing can help you de-stress and let your creative side shine.

14 - Don’t worry. We all do it, but worrying about something we can’t control is indeed a waste of energy. Do what you can to change the things that are under your control and let the rest go. Worrying when there’s nothing you can do about a situation will only add to your stress and anxiety.

15 - Take a bath. Immersing yourself in a warm bath with essential oils such as lavender and chamomile will not only help decrease some stress but will leave you smelling amazing! Epsom salts are also a great addition to help you reduce some physical aches and pains.

16 - Stay positive. While this isn’t necessarily easy for many of us, consciously making an effort to look on the bright side of situations (even when it seems impossible) can drastically change your outlook on life and keep the good times rolling.

17 - Sip some tea! Teas, in general, are great but Green Tea, in particular, is high in L-theanine which is a chemical known to relieve stress by inducing a non-drowsy relaxation reaction.

18 - Get some sleep. We often don’t get enough sleep so occasionally napping when you’re feeling stressed can help you relax and wake up feeling refreshed.

19 - Clean up around you. Sometimes clutter in your environment can lead to increased agitation and stress. De-clutter your work desk, your room and your home in general. You’ll feel more at ease and peaceful when you don’t have things all over the place.

20 - Find a great book. Reading something you find interesting can help take your mind off of what is stressing you out and focus on the story at hand. Settle in some cozy clothes and dive in.

21 - Do some positive self-talk. Telling yourself confidence boosting statements, out loud, can really help you feel better. We’re often our own harshest critics, so give yourself the type of pep talk you’d give your best friend!

22 - Leave work at work. Some of us are good at this task, and others not so much. When you leave the office, don’t bring your work home with you if you can avoid it. Enjoy your time at home with your family and friends.

23 - Play with your pets. Pets are often great companions that can offer comfort when you’re feeling stressed. Take your dog for a walk or snuggle with your cat. They’ll love it and so will you!

24 - Put your thoughts on paper. When we’re stressed out because life is hectic, we typically have a million things going on. WRITE THEM DOWN! Having a written list of what you need to do helps you focus on getting things done. And it feels good crossing something off of your list!

25 - Do something for yourself! Often we’re so busy doing things for other people that we forget about ourselves. Take that dance class, go to that baseball game, learn how to cook an exotic cuisine. Do something that makes you happy, and you’ll feel less stressed in the process.

26 - Learn to say NO. If there’s something that you don’t want to do or something that doesn’t feel right, don’t feel obligated to do it. Learn to say no, guilt-free.

27 - Take care of your body! Regular exercise is essential, but so is seeking treatment when you need it. Massages, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic treatments can help you become pain-free and relaxed so you can get back to doing what you need to do!

Contact us to book an appointment and learn more about how we can help you relax!