Pregnancy Chronicles Pt 4: A Pain In The Back

Pregnancy comes with a whole host of different things you have to deal with, from weight gain, nausea, sleeplessness, cravings and so much more. Back pain is something that affects the majority of pregnant women and can range from very mild to severe. Fortunately, there’s something that can be done.

Back pain during pregnancy is tricky because pain medication is not recommended. Natural alternatives and exercises are the options that are available and safe.

Here are some of the most common causes of low back pain in pregnant women

1. Weight Gain. The average healthy pregnant woman will gain between 25 and 35 lbs. This increase in weight has to be supported by the spine, which can put pressure on the low back as a result. The weight of a growing baby also increases the pressure on the uterus as well as the nerves and blood vessels in the back and legs.

2. Postural Changes. The growing belly changes the centre of gravity and causes changes in walking and moving to accommodate for this increase.

3. Hormonal Changes. During pregnancy, the hormone, relaxin, is released in the body to help loosen joints and ligaments and widen the pelvis to help with delivery. This shifting of joints and ligaments can cause low back pain.

4. Muscle Separation. As the belly grows, the two sheet-like muscles that run in the front of the abdomen, called the rectus abdominus, can start to separate. This separation causes instability in the core area and can result in the low back compensating for stability. This compensation puts excessive stress on the low back, resulting in low back pain

5. Stress. Emotional stress can cause tension in the body, especially the neck and low back.

Fortunately, there is some good news. Unless you’ve had chronic back pain in the past, pregnancy-related low back pain is typically transient and will subside after giving birth. In the meantime, there are things you can do to relieve your discomfort.

Here are 5 natural things you can do to help relieve your low back pain.

1. Exercise! Regular exercise is always a good idea. During pregnancy, it’s an even better idea. Exercise helps strengthen muscles, improve posture and increase flexibility. If you participated in intense exercise before becoming pregnant, you can continue but at a lesser intensity. If you were not active before becoming pregnant, you could start light exercises in your second trimester. Safe activities can include walking, swimming, stationary cycling, yoga and light weight lifting.

The Updated Canadian Pregnancy Guideline shows that exercise cuts the odds of major complications by 40%. They recommend that all women without contraindications should be physically active throughout their pregnancy! So consult with your doctor and get moving!

2. Heat/Cold. There’s a lot of information on the internet regarding whether hot or cold is best. As a rule of thumb, heat is good for muscle relaxation, and cold is useful for decreasing inflammation. However, personal preference is the best indicator. In short, do what feels right, heat and ice both have benefits and can help ease some discomfort. Be sure you’re not applying heat or cold directly on your belly, and that you use a towel to protect your skin.

3. Make modifications to your posture. Ensure that you’re careful with your posture for sitting and sleeping. Prop pillows under your knees to help alleviate some of the strain on your low back. Sleeping with pillows either under or between your knees can make a big difference in your back pain.

4. Get a massage! A prenatal massage can relieve muscle tension and help you relax!

5. Get a treatment! Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment for low back pain and body pain in general. Our chiropractors at Movability use gentle techniques to help decrease your muscle tension, improve mobility and alleviate your pain.

If you’re in pain or in need of guidance, call us today at (905)763-4000 to speak to the pre and postnatal fitness specialist at Movability Wellness & Sport Sciences or book a free consultation.