Discover the Transformative Power of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy at Movability

Welcome to Movability, where we’re thrilled to explore the transformative world of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. This specialized branch of physical therapy is more than just a service; it’s a journey towards enhanced well-being and comfort for our clients. Let’s delve into the wide range of conditions this therapy can address and how our approach at Movability ensures your health and mobility.

What is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

At Movability, we recognize the vital role of pelvic floor muscles in overall health. These muscles support organs like the bladder, uterus, and bowel. Our pelvic floor physiotherapy focuses on strengthening, coordinating, and improving the function of these muscles, offering relief from conditions such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and various forms of pelvic pain.

A Spectrum of Conditions Treated

The versatility of pelvic floor physiotherapy at Movability allows us to address diverse issues:

• Urinary and Fecal Incontinence: Empowering improved control over bladder and bowel functions.

• Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Strengthening muscles for better organ support.

• Chronic Pelvic Pain: Easing pain from conditions like endometriosis.

• Pregnancy and Postpartum Care: Addressing challenges before and after childbirth, including urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and postural issues during pregnancy. Preparing for childbirth with techniques to reduce the risk of tearing and ease delivery. Postpartum care focuses on restoring pelvic floor strength, managing diastasis recti, preventing prolapse, relieving postpartum aches and pains, and enhancing sexual health.

• Sexual Dysfunctions: Addressing issues like painful intercourse.

• Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Aiding recovery from surgeries affecting pelvic health.

• Men’s Health: Tackling male pelvic health concerns.

• Pediatric Care: Managing childhood incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction with effective, gentle approaches.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy for All

Movability is proud to offer services beneficial to a wide audience:

• Women: Dealing with childbirth, menopause, and related issues.

• Men: Addressing prostate health and other male-specific concerns.

• Athletes: Enhancing performance and injury prevention.

• Older Adults: Managing changes in pelvic floor with age.

• Children: Specialized care for pediatric incontinence and pelvic health issues.

Your Experience at Movability

Your journey with pelvic floor physiotherapy at Movability involves:

1. Thorough Assessment: Starting with a detailed evaluation, including medical history and physical examination.

2. Customized Treatment Plans: Developing a plan tailored to your needs, including exercises, biofeedback, and manual therapy.

3. Ongoing Support: Providing home exercises and continuous guidance to ensure sustained improvement.

4. Expert Care: Our dedicated team, led by our highly experienced pelvic floor physiotherapist Linoy Atran, is committed to your health and well-being. Linoy’s extensive training includes the Advanced Integrated Musculoskeletal (AIM) Physiotherapy Program Level 1, PHS Levels 1-3, and specialized expertise in pregnancy, post-natal, and pediatric pelvic floor care.

Book Your Initial Assessment

Pelvic floor physiotherapy at Movability is a path to a better quality of life. We’re committed to providing our clients with comprehensive care and support. Whether you’re addressing postpartum recovery, chronic pain, pediatric incontinence, or preparing for surgery, our team is here to assist you in regaining control and confidence.

Ready to start your journey towards improved pelvic health? Contact us today to book your initial assessment and take the first step towards a healthier, more comfortable life. Experience the difference holistic, multidisciplinary care can make at Movability.