10 reasons why you need more sleep

The older we get, the more we crave sleep and the more we wish we could hit the snooze button and sleep a few extra minutes in the morning. Sleep is infinitely vital in growth and development when we’re young, but what benefit does sleep have when we become older.

Here are 10 reasons why sleep is so important:

1 - Weight Management. People who sleep for shorter periods of time tend to weigh more than those who get adequate sleep and shorter sleep periods are one of the strongest risk factors for obesity.

2 - Appetite. Sleeping poorly can disrupt the hormones that regulate appetite and can cause an increased appetite and poor food choices. Poor sleep can increase the hormone, ghrelin, which is responsible for appetite stimulation and decrease the hormone, leptin, which is responsible for appetite suppression.

3 - Sleep gives your brain the opportunity to rest. Sleeping well at night helps with increase concentration, improve productivity and boost performance. Memory, problem-solving skills and focus are all enhanced by good quality sleep.

4 - Athletic Performance - Longer sleep is linked to improved accuracy, speed, strength and reaction times while playing sports.

5 - Heart Disease and Stroke prevention - Individuals who get at least 7-8 hours of sleep are less likely to develop chronic disease and suffer from heart attacks or strokes.

6 - Risk of Type 2 Diabetes - Restrictions in sleep can affect blood sugar and reduce your sensitivity to insulin which can put you at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

7 - Low mood and Depression - Studies show that approximately 90% of people who suffer from depression complain of poor sleep quality. Sleeping disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea are at higher risk of developing depression than those without the sleep disorders.

8 - Immune Function - Sleeping well helps boost your immune system. A better immune system helps ward off the colds and flu and keeps you feeling healthy.

9 - Inflammation - Poor sleep is linked to increased inflammation in the body. Inflammation can include worsening of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and arthritis. 

10 - Social Interactions and emotional health - Loss of sleep can decrease your willingness and ability to have proper social interactions. Being tired can increase irritability, agitation and aggression in situations that wouldn’t normally elicit those negative reactions

Do your best to catch some zzz’s and take care of your mind and your body.