Got the winter blues? Here are 5 ways to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

First of all, what is Seasonal Affective Disorder, also referred to as S.A.D. S.A.D is a type of depression that happens when the weather changes. As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, some people slip into a “funk” that they can’t seem to shake.

The low mood and irritability typically starts in the fall and extends into wintertime. People often feel depressed for most of the day and begin to lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed. Low energy, difficulty sleeping and feeling agitated are just some of the symptoms people may experience.

Here are 5 ways to help beat the winter blues.

1- Lighten up!

Having increased light in your home or office environment can help alleviate some of these symptoms. Whether it involves getting outside or using a photo-therapy box, most people tend to notice an improvement in their symptoms within a few days.

2- Meditation!

Quite often we find ourselves feeling stressed and tired in the fall. Summer is over and the autumn season approaches in full force meaning it’s “back to reality” time. We tend to neglect our stresses and allow them to pile on, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed and make the symptoms of S.A.D worse.

Try sitting in a quiet space for 5 minutes without moving. Make a conscious effort to clear your mind and not think of anything. It’s much harder than it sounds, but it does wonders!

3- Relaxation Techniques such as Yoga or Tai Chi

Yoga and Tai Chi are both known to relax the mind and the body, they’re both excellent exercises that you leave you feeling relaxed and happy inside and out.

4- Talk to someone.

Feeling depressed can be lonely and hopeless. Reach out to loved ones, friends and health care providers who can lend an ear and can guide you in getting the help you need.

5- Take care of your body!

Depression and pain go hand in hand. Typically people suffering from S.A.D feel more physical pain than those who aren’t experiencing S.A.D. If your feeling pain or discomfort, visit us at Movability and speak to one of our Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and Massage Therapists who can give your body the TLC it needs.