What to expect at your first chiropractic visit

So you’re in pain, and you want it to go away. You’ve booked an appointment with a local Chiropractor, and you’re ready to go, but you don’t know what to expect.

Chiropractors are Doctors who specialize in the nerves, bones, muscles and joints of the body. There are many body parts that your Chiropractor will treat, including but not limited to, neck and back pain, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain as well as shoulder elbow and hand pains.

Here’s what to expect when you visit a Chiropractor at Movability.

1. Paperwork - You’ll be asked to fill out an intake form. This form is intended to give the Chiropractors at Movability information about your current health, the pain you’re experiencing and past health issues you’ve dealt with. Knowing about your health history, helps us create a more complete treatment plan tailored to you.

2 - Initial Assessment - The assessment is comprised of a History component and a Physical Examination component. During this time, our Chiropractors will get to the root of your pain by asking you the appropriate questions and conducting a physical examination that uses specialized tests to reproduce your pain.

3 - Consent - The Chiropractor will explain your diagnosis in detail and ensure that you understand precisely what is happening. Your doctor will give you in-depth information on what your treatments will entail and approximately how long you can expect your recovery to take.

4 - Treatment - The treatment you will receive depends entirely on your condition. Your treatments can include soft tissue muscle work, mobilizations of joints, gentle spinal adjustments, acupuncture, rehabilitation, exercises, cupping, laser therapy and much more.

5 - Education - You will leave Movability with a wealth of knowledge. You’ll understand your pain, why you have it, how to fix it and what you can do at home to avoid re-injury.

6 - Supervised and Home Exercises - You will receive a personalized set of exercises that speed up your recovery and help you avoid re-injury.

Being in pain can be scary- visiting a Chiropractor doesn’t have to be.

Give us a call at Movability today and see how we can help you.