All About Massage: The Different Techniques & Their Benefits

What are the different types of massage and what are they good for?

At Movability, our registered massage therapists are highly skilled practitioners that can help you relieve muscle tension, fascial tension, pain and soreness. There are many different types of massage techniques they can use.

Here’s what you need to know about the most common types of massages.

Swedish Massage

A Swedish massage is a gentle, full body treatment that uses a combination of kneading, long strokes, deep circulation motions and passive joint movements to relieve body tension and soreness. This treatment is ideal for people who are new to massage and have a lot of built up tension. A Swedish Massage will typically last between 60 and 90 minutes and leaves you feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Hot Stone Massage

During this treatment, your Movability Massage Therapist will use hot stones instead of their hands to help relieve muscle tension and alleviate pain. Hot stones can help improve blood flow and promote relaxation by calming the nervous system and easing tension.

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massages use essential oils combined with gentle pressure to help alleviate both physical and emotional pain. Essential oils are absorbed through the skin and lead to full body relaxation.

Avoid this type of massage if you’re sensitive to scents and oils.

See the blog about Essential Oils for more information.

Deep Tissue Massage

During a deep tissue massage, your Movability Massage Therapist will apply deeper pressure to help alleviate muscle tension. This technique is especially useful for people who are suffering from chronic muscle pain. Deep tissue massage can help relieve anxiety, tight muscles and pain on a deeper level. While deep tissue massage is more intense, it is not necessarily more painful.

Sports Massage

This type of massage is especially important if you suffer from repetitive sports injuries. It also works well for people who are prone to injury in general. A sports massage can be done full-body or focused on a specific area. Your Movability Massage Therapists can help improve flexibility and help prevent injuries.

Trigger Point Massage

Trigger Point therapy is mostly used for people who have chronic injuries and tension causing referred pain to different areas of the body. Trigger point therapy can provide deep relief for your aches and pains. Trigger point therapy uses a combination of deep massage and long holds on trigger points to get a deeper relief of muscle aches and pains.


Reflexology works with different pressure points in your feet and hands to help relax the body. This massage works well for people who are uncomfortable being touched and those who prefer to keep their clothes on during their massage.

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu is a Japanese style of massage that helps decrease tension, stress and pain. This massage promotes emotional and physical relaxation and is known to help relieve headaches and reduce anxiety. You can be fully clothed during this massage if you prefer.

Thai Massage

Thai massage is for people who are looking for a more active style of massage. Thai Massage is used to increase flexibility, improve circulation and boost energy levels. Similar to yoga, Thai massages use body movement as a way to stretch and twist to help relieve pain. Loose and comfortable clothing is ideal during this massage.

Prenatal Massage

This massage style is a safe, gentle and effective way to help pregnant women in decreasing their aches and pains. Prenatal Massages are typically not offered to women in their first trimester due to the increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage. Prenatal massage is done using mild pressure, similar to Swedish Massage. During the massage, be sure to tell your therapist what you’re comfortable with and what pressure and positions work well for you.

At Movability, we offer a wide variety of massage treatment styles to help you feel amazing again.

Call us at (905)763-4000 to book your appointment or book online. We offer direct insurance billing for your convenience.