What is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

The Pelvic Floor Specialty of Physiotherapy is focused on the treatment and prevention of pelvis related pain, dysfunction, incontinence, post-pregnancy discomfort and overall pelvic health in both men and women.

During Pregnancy and as we age, the body changes immensely. Pelvic health is typically overlooked, and problems such as incontinence are seen as being “just a part of life.”But it doesn’t have to be.

Your Movability Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist is highly trained in the treatment of:

- Urinary incontinence (leakage)

- Urinary frequency

- Urinary urgency

- Bowel issues such as constipation

- Unexplained low back pain that isn’t improving with manual therapy

- Pelvic and genital pain

- Pain during intercourse

- Organ prolapse

- Pelvic pain associated with endometriosis, prostatitis or interstitial cystitis

- Pre and post pregnancy issues related to labour and delivery

- Paediatric incontinence

- Mastitis and other inflammatory breast conditions

Your Movability Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist will assess and treat the cause of your pain and discomfort to help improve your quality of life.

Pelvic Floor pain and discomfort is typically due to one of the following:

1. Muscles of the pelvic floor are too weak

2. Muscles of the pelvic floor are too tight

Let’s discuss the consequences of weak pelvic floor muscles:

Weakness is the pelvic floor means that the muscles responsible for proper functioning are not strong enough, leading to stress-related incontinence, urge incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Often times we hear that urinary incontinence is a normal part of ageing, but this is entirely false. Having children or ageing doesn’t mean that your body is now prone to incontinence, it means that muscles may have become weak or tight and proper functioning is disturbed. Your Movability Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist will help you return to proper pelvic function so that you don’t have to live with the discomfort you’re experiencing.

The second reason why pelvic floor pain exists is due to the excessive tightness of the muscles of the pelvic floor. This tightness can lead to chronic pelvic pain, painful sex, vaginal pain, nerve pain surrounding the groin and vulvodynia in women as well as chronic prostatitis in men.

The tightness of the pelvic floor muscles can lead to:

- Constipation

- Urinary urgency, frequency and pain

- Pain during or after intercourse

- Spasming of the muscles in the pelvic floor

- Unexplained low back and groin pain that isn’t being relieved with manual therapy

Treatment of these conditions is essential in relieving your pain and helping your return to daily life.

What to expect at your first visit:

During your first visit, your Movability Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist will conduct a thorough examination to understand the cause of your pain. You’ll be educated on the reasons behind your pain and what she will do to help you. There is an internal examination as part of the assessment. You will be asked to undress from the waist down and lie down on your back. After being draped, the pelvic floor physiotherapist will use lubrication to gentle examine the inside of the vaginal canal and test the muscles in that surrounding area. You will be asked to cough, hold your pee or do a Kegel exercise to assess how the muscles in the vaginal area are responding.

After the examination, your Movability Physiotherapist will discuss all of her findings and what she is going to do to help you with your specific condition.

Call Movability today at (905)763-4000 to book your appointment with the Pelvic Floor Specialist today or book online. Spaces are limited.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy:

Q: Do only women who delivery vaginally need pelvic floor treatment?

A: No. The truth is that regardless of how you deliver, your baby has been situated on your pelvic muscles for 9 months. Mothers who’ve undergone c-sections also have the added trauma of having a large incision in their abdominal muscles. Your Movability Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist will help with your pain and functioning.

Q: How soon can you start pelvic floor therapy?

A: It is recommended that you being pelvic floor therapy in your first trimester. The sooner you can begin to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, the more likely you are to prevent further complications and pain down the line. Typically you can start to strengthen pelvic floor muscles at around 15-16 weeks and begin to prepare for labour and delivery around 34 weeks. After giving birth, if you have not been doing any prenatal work, it is recommended that you wait until your 6 week follow up with your doctor to see if when you can begin pelvic floor treatment.

Q: How much do the treatments cost?

A: The initial assessment and consultation at Movability is $145 and is approximately 1 hour long. The follow-up visits are approximately 30-45 minutes in length and cost $95.

Q: What is the internal examination like?

A: Most people feel completely fine following an internal examination. The examination is similar to a PAP smear and typically not uncomfortable.

Q: What is the internal treatment like?

A: If your therapist decides that you need treatment that requires internal work, you will be educated and guided on the nature of what she will be doing at all times. Your Movability Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist will release the pelvic floor muscles and trigger points internally. Some people may experience some soreness, similar to when you receive a massage, and the soreness generally goes away in a few hours.

Some people may feel thirsty or tired following internal treatment. It’s important to stay hydrated and listen to your body. It’s typically recommended that you drink a large glass of water after your treatment and empty your bladder as a way to cleanse the urinary tract.

Q: Is it only necessary to visit a pelvic floor physiotherapist if you are postpartum?

A: No, anyone can benefit from pelvic floor care, including men. Men who experience pain or urinary incontinence due to prostatectomy, prostatitis or prostate dysfunction can benefit from treatment. Your Movability pelvic floor physiotherapist can treat; sexual dysfunction, constipation, bowel or urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, vaginal or rectal pain as well as a variety of other conditions.

Q: Is it ok to have an internal examination while pregnant?

A: Due to the higher risk of spontaneous miscarriage during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, your Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist might wait until after the first 12 or 13 weeks of the first trimester have passed until she conducts internal treatment. Especially if you have a history of miscarriages.

Q: What are some of the benefits of treatment?

A: There are many benefits to treatment, the main ones can include improved control of your bowel and bladder, better sex, improved self-esteem, increased confidence, better natural lubrication and enhanced sensation in the vagina, just to name a few!

Q: Do I need a referral from a family doctor to visit a pelvic floor physiotherapist?

A: The answer is no. You can make an appointment online or call (905) 763-4000 and our staff will help find a time that works for you.