How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes

Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Does it take you a long time to drift off? Do you toss and turn throughout the night?

Good sleep is vital to your health and wellness.

If you’re one of the 20% of people who suffer from sleeping disorders worldwide, this article is for you.

Here is how to fall asleep in 2 minutes:

1 - Lie face up in bed

2 - Relax your facial muscles, including your tongue, your jaw, the muscles surrounding your eyes and the center of your forehead.

3 - Relax your eye sockets, avoid any forced contraction around your eyes

4 - Drop your shoulders as low as possible, you want to have your shoulders as far away from your ears as you can. This will decrease tension in the neck and shoulders area and improve relaxation.

5 - Relax your arms one at a time. If you’re having difficulty, try and squeeze your arms tightly then let go and relax. Don’t forget your hands and fingers

6 - Take deep breaths and relax your chest. Focus on deep inhalations and exhalations.

7 - Focusing on your legs, consciously relax your thighs and work your way down to your feet and toes

8 - After your body is fully relaxed, take a few seconds to clear your mind of clutter that is impeding your sleep.

9 - If clearing your mind is difficult, visualize yourself in the most peaceful setting you can think of, examples can include lying on a beach or getting a massage.

Here are some things you can do before bed to help speed up your ability to fall asleep:

1 - Remove distractions, avoid using your phone or watching TV in bed.

2 - Make sure you’re comfortable, being too hot or too cold can make falling asleep harder than it needs to be.

3 - When you’re tired, go to bed. Don’t force yourself to stay awake if you don’t need to.

4 - Avoid going to bed if you’re not tired. Going to bed early can be frustrating and delay your ability to fall asleep.

5 - Start unwinding approximately 1 hour before bedtime. Avoid strenuous exercise and stressful situations before bed.

6 - Take care of your body. Being in pain can be a significant barrier to falling asleep. The highly-skilled Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and Registered Massage Therapists at Movability can relieve your pain and help you sleep like a baby.