What Is Your Stress Ratio?

Your stress ratio is the balance between your mental and physical stress.

Stress is your body's way of responding to any demand or threat that is outside of your comfort zone. Stress helps to kick your body into high gear both mentally and physically so you can take on challenges in life. The stress response is a protective mechanism, and that's why exposure to stress is critical.

For your mind and body to adapt, become stronger and more resilient over time, you must be exposed to stress. However, not all stress is created equal.

In modern society, many of us are exposed continuously to mental stressors that are difficult to handle. We live fast-paced, busy lifestyles filled with work stress, relationship issues and overstimulation from technology.

The overexposure to mental stress causes us to avoid the physical stress our bodies need to be healthy and robust. The mental stressors take priority over beneficial physical stressors such as strength training, cardiovascular exercise, stretching and movement — all of which we need to build resilient and strong minds and bodies.

Physical stress such as exercise and movement help to reduce the load of mental stress. Research is continually backing the use of vigorous activity to minimize the effect of mental stress and improve mental health in general. Exerting yourself allows your body and mind to naturally return to a state of ease and relaxation, allowing you to be grounded and be present in the moment. Since the mind and body cannot be separated, physical exertion also benefits the mind by building mental strength and resilience.

In modern society, we are bombarded daily by mental stressors, and we do our best to control them. Mental stress can be overwhelming but do your best and add a daily dose of your preferred physical stress or exertion to reduce the adverse effects of mental stress overload. Go for a run, lift some weights, dust off that yoga mat you have stashed under you bed! Anything that gets your moving and challenges you.

Need some guidance on what your stress ratio is and how to incorporate movement into your daily routine? Give us a call at (905) 763-4000 and book a free consultation with one our Chiropractors. We'll be happy to guide you in the right direction.