How To Keep Your New Years Resolution

New Year, New Me?

As another new year commences, so do our hopes and aspirations for ourselves. We all have goals that we would like to achieve and aspects of our lives that we’d like to change.

Whether your goals are quitting smoking, losing weight, being more active or spending more time doing what you love, the reality is that achieving goals takes dedication and motivation.

Simply saying you’re going to do something as part of a New Year’s Resolution is not enough and often we find ourselves discouraged and unmotivated.

Here are 8 steps you can take to help you stick to your goals.

1. Start Small - Smaller goals are more easier to achieve. The idea of losing 30 pounds can be daunting but setting a modest goal such as losing 2 pounds per week is definitely within reach. Completing that smaller goal gives you a sense of satisfaction and motivation to continue.

2. Find Your Motivation - New Years Resolutions seldom work because most of us set goals at this time of year because we think we have to. The new year shouldn’t have anything to do with your motivation. You should try and achieve your goals because it’s what you desire. Finding your true motivation, regardless of what is it, is how you’ll be able to make goals and stick to them.

3. Write It Down! - When something is written down, it feels real. Make a list of short term and long term goals and deadlines for achieving them. Leave little motivational and positive notes for yourself around your home to serve as a reminder. This will help you stay on track and leave you feeling accomplished.

4. Surround Yourself With People Who Will Help You - If your goal is to lose weight, stay away from situations and people who will hinder your success. Surround yourself with supportive and caring people who will help you and keep you accountable.

5. Don’t Give Up - Just because you slip up once doesn’t mean you’ve lost all hope. Statistically, people give up on their New Years goals 12 days into the New Year. Don’t give up. Slipping up and eating something you shouldn’t have or having a cigarette doesn’t mean the goal is over. Pick yourself back up and get back on track.

6. Stay Consistent - If being active is your goal, do it every day! If you want to lose weight, cook your food at home and prepare it in advance. Make sure that you’re doing the very best for yourself.

7. Stay Positive - Anything worth having is never easy. Regardless of your goals, make sure that you’re staying positive. It’s easy to get down but being kind to yourself will help get you through the tough times.

8. Self-care! - It’s difficult to be motivated to achieve your goals when you’re not mentally and physically feeling well. Make sure you meditate, exercise regularly and take care of your body. Aches and pain can seriously hinder your motivation to get out of bed and be active.

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Call Movability today at (905)763-4000 and see how we can help you.